The first "china-us sleep health project" of Jiangsu was set up in Nanjing


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On May 7, by combining traditional Chinese and western medicine hospital of nanjing and nanjing university of Chinese medicine in the second clinical medical college of joint undertaking "china-us insomnia sleep health project - nanjing regulate network construction workshop was held in nanjing, means that the first" china-us sleep health project "in jiangsu province officially settled in nanjing.From jiangsu area hospitals, universities, health care institutions on behalf of nearly 50 people attended the conference.
      According to "321" plan to introduce talents in nanjing, the United States Liu Yanhui BID medical center at harvard medical school researchers said, according to statistics, nearly 80% of the population of sleep problems in different degrees.Not healthy sleep, in addition to affect the learning ability, ability to work, can also affect the operation of the body's immune system and impairment of memory, long-term poor sleep quality and high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, depression, gastrointestinal problems, aging, sexual function recession and other diseases.
      In the field of health and the prevention and treatment of insomnia sleep, to sleep health assessment in the United States for the features, the features of traditional Chinese medicine regulate.To the Chinese and foreign to build the model for sleep research and intervention is almost blank in China.On the relationship between sleep and health, abroad for a lot of empirical research, a large number of clinical data were obtained.By analyzing the detection of ecg data, for example, you can come to the conclusion that sleep quality and health, is beneficial to advance to the potential health risks and bad living habits to intervene, it also conforms to the concept of traditional Chinese medicine "cure not ill".Scholars agree that China and the United States, Chinese and western medicine combined with prevention and treatment of insomnia is of positive significance, deserves further exploration.

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Ever do sleep monitoring, patients have to sleep in a bed, to the hospital to measure ecg, nose and mouth airflow, electrical, electrical equipment will be connected to the patient.One night, to measure the related data.Some patients go to a hospital sleep not steadfast instead, led to distortion test results.This seminar, however, Dr Liu Yanhui scene shows the latest monitor of sleep, is the size of cool box."On the chest, while sleeping at night can capture the electrocardiogram (ecg), we analyzed the data out of breath.", said Dr Liu Yanhui the next day, the instrument of the related data by computers and mobile phones, to a fixed high-end servers, each minute of sleep will be reflected, including sleeping, shallow sleep, waking up, whether apnea, etc., so that it can automatically analyze the people sleep is good, where to sleep well.
       It is understood that the detection technology advanced insomnia from Harvard University will combine with insomnia in TCM diagnosis and treatment technology, will be in China in the near future, which can measure sleep at home, to the vast number of patients with insomnia.

  News Links:

1. 城市吧:中美在宁联合研讨失眠难题
    2. 东方网:八成人存在不同程度的睡眠问题
    3. 凤凰网资讯:睡眠越好,孩子考进前十几率越大
    4. 凤凰网财经:中美在宁联合研讨
    5. 凤凰网厦门:睡眠越好,孩子考进前十几率越大
    6. 光明网:睡眠越好 孩子考试进前十名几率越大
    7. 好孩子社区:睡眠越好 孩子考试进前十名几率越大
    8. 汉丰网:睡眠检测可测出糖尿病、高血压
    9. 金陵晚报:睡眠越好 孩子考试进前十名几率越大
    10. 金黔播报:睡眠越好 孩子考试进前十名几率越大
    11. 江苏科技报:中美共建睡眠健康工程-检测失眠可在家完成
    12. 江苏中医药信息网:中美共建睡眠健康工程-检测失眠可在家完成
    13. 江苏网络电视:为睡眠做体检:南京将建立失眠网
    14. 江苏国际在线:中美在宁联合研讨失眠难题
    15. 江苏网络电视台:中美共建睡眠健康工程南京举行 研讨失眠难题
    16. 江苏中和亚健康服务中心:江苏首个“中美共建睡眠健康工程”在南京启动
    17. 六一儿童网:睡眠越好,孩子考进前十几率越大
    18. 溧阳时空网:【南京】睡眠检测可测出糖尿病、高血压
    19. 龙虎网:睡眠检测调查后发现:睡眠越好孩子考进前十名几率越大
    20. 妈妈中国:睡眠越好,孩子考进前十几率越大
    21. 南京晨报:八成人存在不同程度的睡眠问题
    22. 南京日报:睡眠检测可测出糖尿病、高血压
    23. 南京政府频道:江苏首个“中美共建睡眠健康工程”在南京启动
    24. 南报网:睡眠檢測可測出糖尿病、高血壓
    25. 南方网:睡眠檢測可測出糖尿病、高血壓
    26. 南京卫生局网:江苏首个“中美共建睡眠健康工程”在南京启动
    27. 评校网:睡眠越好 孩子考试进前十名几率越大
    28. 青岛网络电视台:睡眠越好 孩子考试进前十名几率越大
    29. 人民网江苏视窗:调查称睡眠越好 孩子考试进前十名几率越大
    30. 天津网:睡眠检测可测出糖尿病、高血压
    31. 网易财经:睡得好不好在家就能测
    32. 西祠胡同:睡眠越好,孩子考进前十几率越大
    33. 现代快报:睡得好不好在家就能测
    34. 项羽新闻网:调查:睡眠越好孩子考试进前十名几率越大
    35. 新华日报:南京专家:睡眠检测可测出糖尿病、高血压
    36. 新华报业网:八成人存在不同程度的睡眠问题
    37. 新浪新闻中心:中美共建睡眠健康工程南京举行 研讨失眠难题
    38. 新浪育儿:睡眠越好 孩子考试进前十名几率越大

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